Friday, July 13, 2012

Self Portrait Photography Tips That Will Inspire Your Creative Self!

Creative Visualization

When thinking about your intended self portrait, take a moment to think about how you want to be portrayed in your image. We all have more than one side to us. What kind of emotion do you want to convey? You may know how to say what you want to photograph in words, but putting it into visual images and communicating is a different story. Remember, that you are creating a visual story with your picture.

Be creative. Day dream for a while. Even meditate if necessary. In this state of mind, you may see images as a primary means of communication instead of words.

Reflect on your experiences. How do you see yourself? How do you think the world see's you? How do you wish the world could see you? Draw from your life experiences, good, bad or indifferent.

Visual Communication

Your self portrait photography should be a means of visual communication. You are, in a sense, creating a personal symbol. Remember your self portrait is all about you. Don't make the mistake of including other people in your image. When you do this it is no longer a self portrait. This should be all about you. In other words, when thinking of your creative image, if you are a mom, taking a picture with your child, or, of your child, for example, is not considered a self portrait image.

When creating a self portrait, think about expressing who you are at that moment. What is it that you want to say? There are many ways of telling the viewer of your self image something about yourself. Many people think that when they are creating a self portrait, that their face has to literally be in the picture. This is not always the case. Think about other ways that you can convey a message about yourself.

Inspiration For Creating Your Self Portrait Photography

Let's say, for an example, you think of yourself as a drama queen. Theatrically speaking, of course! You might want to put some sort of crown on the top of your head. Put on some very form fitting clothes, or maybe, a big, fluffy full length ball gown. You can sit in a chair, showing a profile view of your self, or stand. Near a wall place a bright light or two, such a flood light, direct the light onto the wall. Place your camera on a sturdy tripod. Set the self timer on your camera and pose yourself in a dramatic fashion so that your shadow shows up on the wall. Pose in a way that there is some portion of your body, along with the shadow on the wall, that will appear in the frame of the picture. For example, it could be a hand or your head, etc. Be creative. Stand still while the camera takes the shot of you and your shadow. This may take several shots before you get the one that gives the message of the drama queen that you are trying to portray.

Keep in mind when creating your self portrait photography that your face does not have to be in the picture, or it can be, it's up to you. But, a true image of yourself, should tell the viewer something about you, and show something of your personal self included in the picture frame, even if it is only your hands holding a book. What ever you do, have fun with it!

How have you been inspired by these tips to create your own self portrait photography?

Head over to where you can see my very own visual story in portrait style.

While you are there, post your own wonderful self portrait. Tell us the story behind your image, if you wish, or let us try to come up with what we think you are communicating. Either way, it's a great way to be creative, capture some great images of yourself and have some fun. The camera you use doesn't matter. You can use your iPhone or iPad, point and shoot camera or DSLR. See you there. Have fun with it!

Mary E. Foster, MFA, is a professional photographic artist. She enjoys teaching as well as working with all aspects of photography, from developing film, and making black and white prints in her darkroom to shooting digital imagery and editing it on the computer. You can find many more helpful photography tips, resources and lots of inspiration by visiting her website at While you are there sign up to receive a new photography tip every week through your email.

View the original article here

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